During my senior year of college (2010-2011), I was the team captain for Princeton University’s submission to the International Association for Hydrogen Energy’s 1st Hydrogen Design Competition. Our task was to construct a solar-powered portable (< 1 cubic meter) hydrogen generator, with points awarded based on creativity, hydrogen generation rate, portability, safety, and cost. Our submission, “The Homemaker’s Hydrogen Generator,” won first place.
related publications
The homemaker’s hydrogen generator: A report for IAHE student hydrogen design competition 2010
Yin Liang, Katherine Song, Leo Shaw, Michael Zhu, Alex Tait, Nicole Businelli, Jane Yang, Ryan Soussan, Haonan Zhou, Jimmy Lu, and Thomas Mbise
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Oct 2011
As a highly reactive gas, hydrogen presents significant challenges for its acquisition and safe storage. Consequently, the viability of a sustainable hydrogen economy greatly depends on the development of an efficient, cost-effective method of hydrogen production. One model for addressing this challenge is to deploy portable hydrogen generators for the home. The Princeton University Chapter of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE-PU) has designed and created a generator that produces hydrogen through water electrolysis and optimizes cost effectiveness and portability while maximizing hydrogen output.